Guest Blog Post – Former member Alys Cummings

PUSH YOURSELF TO THE LIMITMany of my memories of growing up are also memories of Central Youth Theatre. Endless sunny or snowy Sunday afternoons at Dunkley Street rehearsing , improvising, making films, reading scripts, having costume fittings, learning to waltz and sing Russian folk songs; trips to Devon and Hungary; going backstage at a theatre for the first time and realising mirrors really do have those lightbulbs round them. First night nerves and doughnuts, last night elation and parties.

I joined the youth theatre when I was 13. I can vividly remember the excitement of becoming part of a group that gave me friends, confidence and responsibilities. I was changing schools at the time, and CYT gave me a constant and some valuable direction. Our director Jane Ward’s exasperated instruction to ‘stop playing to the gallery’ was pretty good advice for life as well as the stage.

I’ve been a journalist for 10 years now. Starting at local newspapers in the midlands, before moving to London as a court reporter at the Old Bailey. Now I make documentaries for the BBC and for the past six years have filmed with so many people and places, hearing and telling their stories. The youth theatre gave me a strong sense of being part of that wider world, as well as taking responsibility to play a part and make sure the show goes on. We performed at care homes, community centres and festivals, in addition to Wolverhampton’s theatres. CYT encouraged me to explore. As a 15 year-old I boarded a plane for the first time to travel to Budapest and act in a production of Mill On The Floss. Two weeks ago I picked up my passport to fly to Greece and talk to people voting in their referendum.

Mill on the Floss

Jane Ward and her Central Youth Theatre encouraged me to be creative, ambitious and instilled in me a sense that anything is possible.

Our youth theatre has given hundreds of other young people similar support and opportunities. Its vitality also spreads to members’ friends and family, through audiences and across the city. So when I say ‘our’ youth theatre, I not only mean members, but also that it is the youth theatre of the city of Wolverhampton. Please help it survive.


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