Guest Blog Post – Former Member Matthew Allen


I had the pleasure of being a part of Central Youth Theatre for 4 years and even now, a few years later, I still consider myself a proud member. Over the course of those 4 years,

I gathered skills, grabbed opportunities and gained experience- the very things which I think led to me achieving what I have- but i didn’t just receive these few things from CYT, I gained so much more than that.

The real warmth of CYT lies in it’s great sense of community, whether that be in relation to the greater and wider community of Wolverhampton or within the community we create ourselves within the group. CYT doesn’t just offer opportunities and vocational knowledge, it offers a wide circle of friends that you won’t forget, memories that will become the highlights of your youth and a sense of self understanding which is so hard to grasp as a young person today.

It is for these values that I am deeply saddened to hear that the organization is under threat and it is for these values that I wish to see it overcome the odds again. I have a lot to thank CYT for- I believe that it is the mix of vocational skills and community spirit that I learnt there which got me into drama school and now just on the verge of graduating, I am looking forward to starting my career as a professional actor and excited for what the future holds.

I don’t think I would be where I am today if it wasn’t for CYT and I wouldn’t have the many heartwarming memories I have without them either- memories of performing at the Salle Garnier in Monaco, memories of directing the junior group for a year and the pride I had in seeing them all perform what we had worked on and most of all, memories of times I’ve spent with people I still see today and hold as my closest friends. CYT was a home from home for me and now, I would like to see the organization get the permanent home it deserves.

There isn’t long left but if anyone can spare their time to make a small donation to the CYTHeart campaign, it will be one step towards ensuring that young people in Wolverhampton will continue to receive the opportunities they deserve.

Thank you.

Matthew Allen


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